cover image: Humanitarian Humanitarian work is central to Christian Aid’s mission: responding to


Humanitarian Humanitarian work is central to Christian Aid’s mission: responding to

22 Apr 2024

Development – meeting the needs of marginalised communities and tackling the causes of poverty: Global and national system and crisis context conflict, climate change and the denial of power. [...] together to claim power to transform their lives and influencing policymakers to shift power and Anticipatory action ensure greater equity, justice and sustainability As the numbers of people in need of protection and in systems and structures. [...] and economic shocks and inflation relating to global food Distribution of electronic cash cards worth US$325 and energy prices and the war in Ukraine are undermining to 1,080 households to be used in local supermarkets national and individual coping strategies. [...] The DRaSS was funded by the European Commission’s three organisations were able to support 137 self‑help Civil protection and Humanitarian Aid department groups reaching 23,936 individuals with interventions (ECHO) and jointly implemented by Christian Aid and in the areas of cash distribution, roads and water Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI). [...] reduction work, including the training of 84 local protection committee members on emergency It strengthened social protection mechanisms and early preparedness and response, disaster risk assessments warning and early action for vulnerable and disaster‑ and mitigation measures.
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United Kingdom