In collaboration with the University of Surrey - Travel & Tourism


In collaboration with the University of Surrey - Travel & Tourism

15 May 2024

We are grateful to our advisory group, which The index measures the set of factors and policies comprises representatives from Bloom Consulting, that enable the sustainable and resilient development the European Travel Commission (ETC), the Global of the T&T sector, which in turn contributes to the Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), the Hong development of a country. [...] Consulting, CoStar, Euromonitor International,, IATA, the International Civil The latest edition of the index provides an overview Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Union of the current state of the T&T sector and the for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), MMGY TCI various interconnected challenges and opportunities Research, Tripadvisor, UN Tourism and the WTTC. [...] and employment, decision-makers in the sector and beyond must recognize the need for strategic In general, the Europe and Asia-Pacific regions and holistic approaches if they are to properly and high-income economies in particular navigate increasingly complicated conditions continue to have the most favourable conditions and unlock T&T’s great potential to provide for T&T development. [...] measures the travel and tourism sector’s energy sustainability and the general sustainability of – Ground and Port Infrastructure: This pillar an economy’s natural environment and the measures the availability of efficient and protection of natural resources. [...] Overall average with the lag in supply variables such as air route scores for the pillars under the Infrastructure and capacity, investment, labour and productivity are Services dimension are among the lowest in the likely to continue to generate supply and demand index, indicating that many countries may lack the imbalances that drive travel prices and disrupt transport and service capacity to pr.
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