cover image: Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-water fishing fleets in Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana, and the Philippines

Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-water fishing fleets in Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana, and the Philippines

14 May 2024

Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-water fishing fleets in Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana, and the Philippines Report Fishy Business Estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-water fishing fleets in Ecuador, Ghana, Peru, the Philippines and Senegal Miren Gutierrez, Alberto Lemma, Guillermo Gutierrez and César Montenegro May 2024 Sup. [...] IUU fishing is sometimes considered as sustainably sourced’ and that the ‘differences in equal to criminal activity in the fisheries sector; for the scope and quality of checks’ by the different example, money laundering and tax havens (Blaha, countries undermine the effectiveness of the 2018), document fraud, drug trafficking and measures in place (European Court of Auditors, money laundering (UN. [...] The analysis responds to three main questions: 2.2 Methods and tools • RQ1: What is the scale, form and behaviour of the domestic and foreign fleets operating within Relational database the exclusive economic zones of Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Ghana and the Philippines? Which To build a relational database, we employed are the most prominent foreign fleets in these expertise in fisheries, specialise. [...] Crucially, we look at the fleet, such as the Philippine fleet and the small domestic and foreign fleets’ scale, form and national fleets of Ghana and Senegal, as well as behaviour in the EEZs of Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, the advanced DWF fleets of foreign origin that Ghana and the Philippines, along with the DWF were spotted in these countries’ EEZs in the study foreign fleets present in these water. [...] to the five EEZs.12 The second column shows the vessels flagged to any of the five countries 3.1 The domestic and foreign fleets in under study identified in Krakken® V15.0.



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