cover image: SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika - Nr. 31/2024 Inhaltsverzeichnis


SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika - Nr. 31/2024 Inhaltsverzeichnis

10 May 2024

Inhaltsverzeichnis > Horn von Afrika / Rotes Meer > Somalia > Dschibuti > Äthiopien > Sudan > Sudan / Südsudan > Südsudan > Tschad > Niger > Mali / Sahel > Mauretanien > Sahel / Westafrika > Westafrika > Westafrika: ECOWAS > Senegal > Gambia > Ghana > Togo > Benin > Nigeria > Gabun > DR Kongo > Angola > Ostafrika: East African Community (EAC) > Kenia > Sambia > Mosambik > RSA > AU (Afrikanische Un. [...] Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Äthiopien Ethiopia: Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review - Submitted with Physicians for Human Rights in April 2024 for Ethiopia's 4th Periodic Review HRW, 09.05.2024, ca. [...] Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ghana Ghana’s Support for New Free Education Treaty Crucial - Ghana has been at the forefront of Africa in providing free education to its children HRW, 08.05.2024, ca. [...] Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > VAE - Afrika The UAE’s Rising Military Role in Africa: Defending Interests, Advancing Influence Eleonora Ardemagni "The United Arab Emirates' activism in Africa centers on maritime control, with two key strategic routes: the Red Sea towards the Mediterranean and towards the Indian Ocean. [...] + Links africa-131893 @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > USA / VR China - Afrika The US, the West and the future of Africa Jakkie Cilliers "The US needs to focus on collaborating with China if it wants to maintain influence in Africa.


Kettner, Daniel

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SWP-Webmonitor Sub-Saharan Africa - No. 31/2024 Table of contents [from PDF fonts]