cover image: ODI Report -  The co-creation and   implementation of an adolescent   school-based mental health

ODI Report -  The co-creation and   implementation of an adolescent   school-based mental health

3 Apr 2024

Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help for the treatment group (an 8% increase) between The qualitative data affirmed that involvement baseline and endline and negligible change for the in the intervention and subsequent gains control group; and indeed, our regression model in confidence fostered the acquisition of affirmed the positive effect of the intervention, knowledge about mental he. [...] Our characteristics and differences in coping among the analysis details the types of digital content that treatment and control groups, the treatment group students access, how and where they do so, and registered a statistically significant improvement in the perceived benefits and challenges associated active coping, over and above the main effects of with technology use, from the perspective o. [...] supporting the scale-up of national services for mental, neurological and substance use An overwhelming body of evidence highlights disorders, especially in low- and middle-income the toll of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated countries (LMICs) (WHO, n.d.); and many non- lockdowns on the prevalence and severity of governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil mental health problems. [...] The and access to technology) on the key mental Tanzanian health sector is centrally organised; health indicators, finding that they explained the Ministry of Health monitors and coordinates around 30% of variation in key mental health national health priorities and plans, and the outcomes. [...] We also sought to identify the key any changes in access to and use of formal drivers of mental ill health and psychosocial well- mental health services in the study sites, and the being among our study population, the coping extent to which any changes can be attributed strategies adolescents employed, their ease of directly to the intervention; and Chapter 7 delves 11 ODI Report into how the int.


Overseas Development Institute

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
United Kingdom