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Sandžak Bosniaks: Between Extremism and Fighting for Respect for Human and Minority Rights

18 Apr 2024

The latest and more significant exodus of Muslim Bosniaks from Sandžak took place during the aggression of the Federal Republic For the mentioned reasons, the arrival of the Ottoman Empire is per- of Yugoslavia against Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1002–1995, ceived negatively in Serbian collective memory and historiography. [...] Justin McCarthy, time, with the attainment of independence, that is, the formation of an American demographer and historian, presented the data show- the Principality of Serbia, there began the persecution of Muslims, ing that between 1911 and 1923 the number of Muslims declined from 4 which was especially intensified during the First Balkan War in 1912, but also after the formation of the Kingdom. [...] prospects of the region, it must also be pointed out that the feeling of alienation – due to a non-confrontation with the crimes of the past and Otherwise, the SDA has been pursuing an uncompromising advocacy the prevalent “culture of triumphalism” – is also present due to the dis- of the autonomy of Sandžak since its formation in 1990 as the branch crimination of Bosniaks in other spheres and asp. [...] The Islamic ethnic groups ops of the SPC have repeatedly glorified Vladimir Putin and expressed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, primarily Bosniaks and Alba- unequivocal support for the Russian Federation..69 In contrast to the nians, as well as Muslim Bosniaks of Sandžak were the victims of the SPC, in the year in which Russia’s aggression started, Mufti Mevlud ethno-nationalist ideolog. [...] Sandžak Bosniaks: Between Extremism and Fighting for Respect for Human and Minority Rights A Short Historical Overview of the Sandžak Region and Its Importance The Specificity of (Ethno-)National Politics in Sandžak, the Main Actors on the Sandžak Socio-Political Stage and the Issue of Autonomy The State Project of Collapsing the Islamic Community The Securitization of Sandžak Muslims and Religiou.


Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

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Title in English
SANDŽAK BOSNIAKS B e a n [from PDF fonts]