cover image: Competition Policy in Digital Markets in Africa (English)


Competition Policy in Digital Markets in Africa (English)

19 May 2024

This technical background paper explores the effectiveness of competition policy enforcement in the digital markets in Africa along several dimensions, including anticompetitive agreements, abuse of dominance, merger control, as well as competition advocacy. While African competition authorities have not yet dealt with issues in the digital economy to a great extent, they seem to be increasingly aware of the importance of safeguarding competition in digital markets. The African regional competition authorities can also play a decisive role in bringing together national competition authorities in sharing their experience in terms of advocacy and enforcement of competition rules in the digital economy. Furthermore, the African competition authorities can further build upon consumer protection initiatives to incorporate a competition angle and adopt pro-competition recommendations.
africa digitization governance in public sector growth from emerging markets central government central agencies public administration - information and communications technologies ict services


Pop,Georgiana, Gon�alo Coelho

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Competition Policy in Digital Markets in Africa
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
3A-Governance And The Digital Economy In Africa -- P172417
ICT Services,Public Administration - Information and Communications Technologies,Central Government (Central Agencies)
Series Name
Governance and the Digital Economy in Africa Technical Background Paper Series;
TF No/Name
TF0B1369-AFR Digital Economy Governance and Anti-Corruption
Financial Sector Integrity,Job Creation,Investment and Business Climate,Data Development and Capacity Building,Financial Stability,ICT,State-owned Enterprise Reform and Privatization,ICT Solutions,Finance,Private Sector Development,Regulation and Competition Policy,Public Sector Management,E-Government, incl. e-services,Jobs,Business Enabling Environment,Data production, accessibility and use,Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,Public Administration
Unit Owning
Version Type
Volume No

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