cover image: REGIONS RISING - the new FRONTIER



24 May 2024

REGIONS RISING NATIONAL SUMMIT the new FRONTIER EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES 13-15 August 2024 National Convention Centre Canberra, ACT about THE RAI ESTABLISHED IN 2011, THE REGIONAL AUSTRALIA With the benefit of more than a decade of research into the most INSTITUTE IS THE NATION’S FIRST AND ONLY fundamental parts of regional living, in 2022 the RAI developed a 10- INDEPENDENT THINK TANK DEDICATED T. [...] The RAI exists to provide decision-makers at all levels of government, industry and community the information they need to ensure the best outcomes for regional Australia. [...] The appeal of regional living is here to stay for thousands of • Policy makers from across government corporate and • Community civic leaders metro movers, requiring new thinking and action on how the In 2024, for the first time, Regions Rising – The New Frontier community services, housing and skills landscape will develop to meet • National, regional and local media will welcome a range of exhib. [...] A series of panels and breakout sessions will address the key pillars of our Framework to ‘Rebalance the Nation’, telling the stories of our regions’ challenges and success stories and provide CHANGE MAKERS PARLIAMENTARIANS guests with a wealth of knowledge to help drive change in their communities and businesses. [...] I agree to the Terms and Conditions Cancellations must be made in writing and forwarded to The Organisers reserve the right to alter the floor plan at their I wish to pay by Electronic Funds Transfer.
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