cover image: Annex 4: Adopted Green Growth Policies


Annex 4: Adopted Green Growth Policies

5 Apr 2024

Adoption of the Public Policy on Sustainable GGGI/Norway’s joint green Tourism for the department Antioquia on growth program with the February 20, 2023, through Ordinance 02 of Government of Colombia 2023. [...] Adoption of the Green Growth Policy of the department of Antioquia by the Assembly on September 21, 2023, through Ordinance 21 of 2023. [...] Adoption of the Nature-based Tourism Policy of Nariño by the Assembly of September 25, 2023, through Ordinance 21 of 2023. [...] Colombia CO21 Scaling up rural electrification 1 Support the development of the Energy via capacity building to public chapter part of the law of the NDP 2022-2026. [...] Developed for the Vientiane capital, through Vientiane City Office for Management and Services (VCOMS) the Decision of the Vientiane Capital Mayor on the Municipal Solid Waste Management in Vientiane Capital is based on 10-year SWM strategy with waste-to-resource initiative mainstreamed and is intended to regulate the management of waste collection, transportation, recovery and disposal of waste i.


Mina Kim

Published in
South Korea