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21 May 2024

counterparts Angola • Ministry of Environment (MINAMB) • Ministry of the Environment, Water and Sanitation • Ministry of Economy, Finance and Forward planning • Ministry of Sport, Youth and Professional Integration • Ministry of infrastructure and accessibility • Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources • Ministry of Industrial development, Trade, Crafts, small and medium-sized ente. [...] Regional Bureau of Agriculture, Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water and Energy, Bureau of Urban Development, Bureau of Environment Protection) • Ministry of Food and Agriculture • Foreign Affairs Ghana • SDG Unit- Office of the President • Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation • Ministry of Finance • Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy • Ministry of Land and Environment M. [...] counterparts • Ministry of Energy, Government of Hungary • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade • Hungarian Export Promotion Agency Hungary • Prime Minister's Office • Ministry of Culture and Innovation • Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency • Ministry of Economic Development, Hungary Latin America & Caribbean Country Gov. [...] • Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience & the Environment Grenada • Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Physical Development, Public Utilities and Energy • Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and the Youth Economy • Department of Sustainable Development Saint Lucia • Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport • Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Dev. [...] counterparts • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bahrain • Supreme Council of Environment of Bahrain • Ministry of Environment (MoENV) • Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) Energy & Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) Ministry of Labour • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) • Ministry of Finance (MoF) Jordan • Cities and Villages Development Bank (CVDB) • Petra Devel.


Sujin Jang

Published in
South Korea