cover image: Time to Cut U.S. Foreign Aid to South Africa


Time to Cut U.S. Foreign Aid to South Africa

22 May 2024

Foreign Aid to South Africa Max Primorac South Africa’s request to The Hague’s Interna-KEY TAKEAWAYS tional Court of Justice (ICJ) last December to accuse Israel of breaching the Convention South africa has long taken political posi- on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime tions that are grievously antithetical to the of Genocide in Gaza as it defends itself against national security interes. [...] The event coincided with the one- year anniversary of Moscow’s second invasion of Ukraine and signaled to the rest of Africa the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s readiness to pro- vide the African continent with military training.8 It also helps China to project its growing naval power throughout the Indo–Pacific region and into the Atlantic Ocean. [...] The statement berated the “unethical way” in which the deputy head of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies criticized the government’s pro-Hamas stance, citing his “discredited information related to the beheading of children in Israel,” although Hamas’s atrocities have been verified,16 and then threatened the Jewish leader with the “potential libelous nature of his utterances.”17 In fact, S. [...] Last June, the Republican and Democratic Party leadership of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee signed a joint letter asking the Biden Administration to move the 2023 U. [...] The Administration has the authority to suspend South Africa’s membership in the AGOA, the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (via South Africa’s membership in the Southern African Customs Union), and the Generalized System of Preferences.
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United States of America