cover image: V OLUME 24  •  I SSUE 11


V OLUME 24 • I SSUE 11

24 May 2024

In the second communique, the Russian side appears willing to make concessions to the PRC in terms of its framing of the conflict, “positively assessing the objective and impartial position of the Chinese side on the Ukrainian issue,” “reaffirming its commitment to restarting peace talks as soon as possible,” and further welcoming the “constructive ideas set out in the document entitled ‘China’s p. [...] There is no clearer statement than one which comes near the top of the latest communique: “the development of the Sino-Russian partnership for comprehensive strategic cooperation in the new era is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples (发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系 符合两国和两国人民的根本利益).” Arran Hope is the editor of China Brief. [...] These include the proportion of open-source code, the programming languages used, the copyright holders, the volume of contributions, the versatility of the code, the security protocol, the platforms on which code is hosted and downloaded, and the country or organization with which the code is affiliated. [...] Evaluation is based on code vulnerabilities, the exploitability of vulnerabilities, the impact of security breach and exploitation, the assessment of the complexity and feasibility of executing potential attacks, the patching rate, and the quantity of the vulnerabilities. [...] There in the mountains, Xi played to his host’s pride in France as a great civilization and cultural center of the Western world, stressing that “although the Chinese and French civilizations, one in the East and the other in the West, have different values and social systems, both are committed to inter-civilization exchanges and mutual learning” and “through dialogue and cooperation, they could.


Arran Hope

Published in
United States of America