cover image: Template: Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence - A policy template for federally regulated employers


Template: Preventing and addressing workplace harassment and violence - A policy template for federally regulated employers

21 May 2024

Remember: Developing a workplace harassment and violence prevention policy is the shared responsibility of the employer and the relevant health and safety committee or representatives (who are referred to as the “applicable partner.”) Employers must work with the applicable partner in developing the workplace harassment and violence prevention policy.7 However, where the employer and the applicabl. [...] In all areas of employment and the provision of goods and services, [name of organization] commits to acting in accordance and compliance with the CHRA, the EEA, the Canada Labour Code and the Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations to ensure that individuals and groups are not disadvantaged or treated unfairly within our organization. [...] Responsibilities and expectations The CHRC recommends that the policy set out the roles and responsibilities of the various parties present in the organization, including: • The applicable partner, as identified per the Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations • The designated recipient, as identified per the Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations • Managers and. [...] It will cover: • the content of this policy; • [Name of Organization]’s obligations under the CHRA and the Canada Labour Code; • the relationship between workplace harassment and violence and the prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in the CHRA; • descriptions of harassment and violence and examples tailored to our workplace; • how to recognize, prevent, and report workplace harassment and. [...] In accordance with subsection 35(1) of the Regulations, [name of organization] will keep the following records: a) the workplace harassment and violence prevention policy b) a copy of the documents that form part of the workplace assessment c) a copy of the documents that form part of each review and update of the workplace assessment d) a record of [name of organization]’s decision (and the reaso.


Cadogan, Cameron (CHRC/CCDP)

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