cover image: Citation: 2024 NBKB 091 Date: May l52024 - IN THE COURT OF KING'S BENCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK


Citation: 2024 NBKB 091 Date: May l52024 - IN THE COURT OF KING'S BENCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK

16 May 2024

By way of the proceeding, the CCLA purports to challenge, indeed quash, the Minister's decision(s) to amend Policy 713 on several grounds including: being in breach of the duty of procedural fairness; outside of the Minister's authority, and contrary to both the New Brunswick Education Act and the Human Rights Act. [...] The Province also asserts that the hypothetical nature of the argument advanced by the Unions underscores their lack of sufficient interest in the proceeding in order to be granted the status they seek. [...] ffiOn a motion under paragraph ( l ), the court shall consider whether or not the intervention will unduly delay or prejudice the determination of the rights of the parties to the proceeding and the court may add the person as a party to the proceeding and may make such order as to pleadings, production and discovery and impose such conditions as to costs or otherwise as may be just. [...] 15.03 Leave to Intervene as Friend of the Court Any person may, with leave of the court or at the invitation of the court, and without becoming a party to the proceeding, intervene as a friend of the court for the purpose of rendering assistance to the court by way of argument. [...] c) That there exists between the person (organization) and one of the parties to the proceeding, a question of law or/act in common with one or more of the issues arising in the proceeding.
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