- Pages
- 96
- Published in
- Ireland
Table of Contents
- RS Covers template April 2024.pdf 1
- RS Covers.pdf 1
- RS Covers 96
- RS181.pdf -1
- Introduction -1
- Key Findings -1
- Policy Implications and Conclusions -1
- CHAPTER 1 -1
- 1.1 Introduction -1
- 1.1.1 Overview -1
- 1.1.2 Housing and healthcare planning in Ireland -1
- 1.2 Integrating Housing and Health Planning in Ireland -1
- 1.3 Housing and Healthcare Planning model -1
- 1.4 Research Objectives -1
- 1.5 Structure of the report -1
- CHAPTER 2 -1
- 2.1 Introduction -1
- 2.2 Housing in Ireland -1
- 2.2.1 Current challenges -1
- 2.2.2 Housing governance -1
- 2.3 The Irish Healthcare System -1
- 2.3.1 Healthcare coverage -1
- Public healthcare coverage -1
- Private healthcare coverage -1
- 2.3.2 Healthcare utilisation -1
- 2.3.3 Healthcare service provision -1
- Primary and community care -1
- Acute hospital care -1
- 2.3.4 Sláintecare -1
- CHAPTER 3 -1
- 3.1 Introduction -1
- 3.2 Impact of Housing on Health -1
- 3.2.1 The physical condition of housing (housing quality) -1
- 3.2.2 Neighbourhood characteristics -1
- 3.2.3 Security of tenure -1
- 3.3 Housing, Health and Healthcare in Ireland -1
- 3.4 Housing and health planning internationally -1
- 3.5 Planning framework in Ireland -1
- 3.5.1 Government health policy and links to planning -1
- CHAPTER 4 -1
- 4.1 Introduction -1
- 4.2 Modelling Healthcare Demand and Supply -1
- 4.2.1 Review of healthcare modelling approaches -1
- Microsimulation models -1
- Cell-based macrosimulation models -1
- 4.2.2 HHP model construction -1
- Healthcare demand -1
- Tenure composition -1
- Healthcare supply -1
- 4.3 Data and Sources -1
- 4.3.1 Development profile data -1
- Household size -1
- Age and sex distribution -1
- Public healthcare coverage -1
- 4.3.2 Healthcare utilisation data -1
- General practitioner and practice nurse activity rate data -1
- Emergency department attendance activity rate data -1
- Day patient and inpatient activity rate data -1
- 4.3.3 Healthcare supply data -1
- Primary care -1
- Acute hospital care -1
- 4.4 Data and Sources -1
- (a) HFA development -1
- (b) Public housing development -1
- (c) Private market housing development -1
- CHAPTER 5 -1
- 5.1 Introduction -1
- 5.2 Primary Care Utilisation -1
- 5.3 Acute Public Hospital Care Utilisation -1
- Emergency department attendances -1
- Day patient admissions -1
- Elective inpatient LOS -1
- Emergency inpatient LOS -1
- 5.4 Primary Care Utilisation Profiles by Tenure Type -1
- 5.5 Acute Public Hospital Utilisation Profiles by Tenure Type -1
- 5.5.1 Emergency department -1
- 5.5.2 Day patient -1
- 5.5.3 Elective inpatient -1
- 5.5.4 Emergency inpatient -1
- CHAPTER 6 -1
- Results: Healthcare demand by development type -1
- 6.1 Introduction -1
- 6.2 Primary Care -1
- 6.2.1 GP and PN demand and supply -1
- 6.2.2 Universal primary care -1
- 6.3 Acute Public Hospital Demand and Supply -1
- 6.3.1 Emergency department -1
- 6.3.2 Day patient -1
- 6.3.3 Elective inpatient -1
- 6.3.4 Emergency inpatient -1
- 6.4 Conclusions -1
- CHAPTER 7 -1
- 7.1 Introduction -1
- 7.2 Key findings -1
- 7.2.1 Healthcare demand by tenure type -1
- 7.2.2 Healthcare demand and supply for housing developments -1
- 7.3 Future Extensions to the HHP Model -1
- 7.3.1 HHP model parameters -1
- Housing quality and healthcare demand -1
- Tenure type -1
- 7.3.2 Current healthcare supply and capacity -1
- 7.3.3 Community and social care services -1
- 7.3.4 Future demand and supply -1
- 7.3.5 Unmet need -1
- 7.3.6 Changing policy frameworks -1
- 7.4 Conclusions and Reflections -1
- A.1 Primary Care Demand Profiles across Benchmark Developments -1
- A.2 Acute Public Hospital Demand Profiles across Benchmark Developments -1
- A.3 Policy Changes Example – Universal Primary Care -1