Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement


Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

28 May 2024

Niger’s relations with its neighbor Benin have been strained since a July 2023 coup in Niger , followed by border closures. Despite incurring huge losses, landlocked Niger was reluctant to open its border with Benin, citing security reasons. Last month, China sent foreign and energy ministry officials , along with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) executives, to resolve the dispute between the two nations. After China’s successful mediation, Niger has agreed to restore diplomatic relations with Benin and open up the border. Consequently, Benin also agreed to allow Niger to dispatch oil shipments using Benin’s port. While China is set to economically benefit from the deal, its successful mediation also marks Beijing’s emergence as a peacemaker in Africa.
india africa china security trade niger benin economic conflict resolution mediation international affairs oil pipeline port cnpc diplomatic relations coup border closures


Samir Bhattacharya

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