cover image: ECDC framework for prevention of communicable diseases and related special health issues :May 2024


ECDC framework for prevention of communicable diseases and related special health issues :May 2024

23 May 2024

This document outlines the objectives and main elements of the ECDC framework for prevention of communicable diseases and related special health issues. It sets out a vision for strong, effective and evidence-based prevention of communicable disease in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). Prevention has been central to ECDC’s mission and function since the Agency was established in 2005, and today most of its areas of work include prevention activities. These activities have used a range of models and methods, with a focus on primary and secondary prevention. Traditionally however, infectious disease prevention and control has been dominated by medical epidemiology and microbiology. Since ECDC’s mandate was amended in 2022, its role in prevention of communicable diseases has been reinforced and expanded to incorporate new areas: ‘(…) the Centre shall develop a framework for the prevention of communicable diseases and related special health issues, including socio-economic risk factors, vaccine preventable diseases, antimicrobial resistance, health promotion, health education, health literacy and behaviour change.’ Strengthening the prevention of infectious diseases, especially after the COVID-19 emergency, requires a paradigm shift and enhancement of previous strategies. The new ECDC Prevention Framework therefore reframes and broadens the traditional approach to infectious disease prevention by leveraging social and behavioural sciences, health promotion, health literacy and health education, and by providing an extra focus on socio-economic risk factors. The Prevention Framework will initially prioritise vaccine-preventable diseases and antimicrobial resistance as its main focus areas, with other priority areas potentially being added later. In accordance with the guiding principles of public health enshrining respect for human rights, the framework will also focus on the values of gender equality, equity and inclusion (including for ethnic minorities and socially vulnerable populations), universal health coverage, and community engagement in public health response. In order to support the implementation of the Framework and facilitate exchange of knowledge, skills and experience in the area of prevention in the EU/EEA, a Prevention Community of Practice will be established.
public health disease prevention behavioural sciences health education equal treatment eu activity infectious disease european centre for disease prevention and control


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, EU body or agency

Catalogue number
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC framework for prevention of communicable diseases and related special health issues – May 2024 , European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2024,
Published in
Public health

Table of Contents

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