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28 May 2024

activities of great powers included within the NSG, Exploitation of the IAEA-Indian Nuclear with the US, China, and Russia all having Safeguards Agreement- A Case Study: The NSG undermined the significance of non-proliferation currently faces the challenge of the adoption of norms of comprehensive safeguards – that non- new restraints on transfer of enrichment and nuclear weapon states should bene. [...] However, the requirements that apply only to subsequent lack of specificity at the reactor level between nuclear cooperation and did not cover supply civilian and military reactors, and the refusal to commitments agreed before bring Indian civilian the adoption of the The NSG currently faces the challenge reactors under IAEA safeguards. [...] to seek its own nuclear weapons and commitment to the NPT, the Washington Declaration clears the While some observers may also view any way for America and South reintroduction of nuclear weapons to South Korea Korea to establish a nuclear in this manner as a consultative group However, repositioning weapons contravention of the NPT, modelled on NATO’s within the theatre to deter two nuclear the U. [...] and confrontation, of the first half of the year exacerbated by Pyongyang’s and emphasized the importance of meeting the frequent nuclear and ballistic missile tests. [...] The navy has not On May 15, 2024, the defence departments of the elaborated on the purpose of the A-10 flight, US and Japan signed a formal agreement for the stating only that the fighters, along with a US cooperative development of the Glide Phase Coast Guard vessel, were Interceptor (GPI).



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