cover image: REPORT 2023/2024 Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world


REPORT 2023/2024 Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world

11 Mar 2024

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) of the United The 2023/2024 Human Nations Development Programme (UNDP) concerning the legal status of any Development Report country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimi. [...] Some of the figures included in the analytical part of the report where indicated have been estimated by the HDRO or other contributors to the Report and are not necessarily the official statistics of the concerned country, area or territory, which may use alternative methods. [...] The signed contributions in boxes and spotlights represent the opinions of the authors and are the product of independent research of their responsibility. [...] pledges totalling over $600  million.4 Global clean So why does pursuing the ambitions of the 2030 energy investment, and the jobs and opportunities Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris that come with it, reached an all- time high of $1.8 tril- Agreement feel like a half- hearted slog through lion in 2023 (equivalent to the size of the economy of quicksand? the Republic of Korea), almo. [...] This extends from the international financial in- terdependence is being reshaped in the Anthropocene stitutions to the United Nations, with several proposals and as a result of the Digital Revolution and finding tabled over the years to redress the current lack of rep- ways to more systematically, efficiently and equitably resentativeness of governance arrangements.56 providing global public good.
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