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13 May 2024

What are the steps needed to fix the financial Shouldn’t be Loss-making, if they Perform health of the DisComs, especially for a turnaround (on the basis of operational Electricity distribution companies (DisComs) basis viability)? are the last leg in the vertically integrated chain of electricity sector that starts with generation. [...] studied for clean-up7 can resolve the gap by Accumulated deficits are enormous, in lakhs “merely” addressing the known components of crores of rupees, and visible on the balance of the gap (excess billing losses aka excess sheet as a part of the total equity. [...] z Segregation of Discoms across dimensions of operational and balance sheet profiles in terms of appropriate instruments for overcoming the losses and also cleaning the balance sheets.  z The study relies on manual compilation and harmonization of disparate data available in the public domain, including Tariff Orders, annual balance sheets, compilations from PFC and REC, and profit and loss statem. [...] Since all GenCos are not on the found in the yearly reports published by PFC on platform, especially the state-owned units, the the performance of power utilities. [...] 24 Breaking Down the Gap in DisCom Finances: Explaining the Causes of Missing Money While there is competition for power at the and revenues), the utility covers all their costs, the generation level in India,18 at a distribution level, largest component of which is paying generators.
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