Social, political and economic turmoil in South-East Europe over the last three decades have affected young people, youth work and youth policy implementation in the region. This research, aimed at young people, youth workers, researchers and policy makers, offers a comprehensive insight into the perspectives, challenges and potential of youth work in 12 countries of South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo,* Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Türkiye.The study analyses legal frameworks and youth policies at the national level, structures supporting youth work, educational opportunities for youth workers, recognition and validation of youth work and funding. It makes recommendations on how to advocate for better positions for youth workers and youth work in national and international contexts.The findings indicate that while the youth sector in all the observed countries faces similar obstacles, youth workers and civil society organisations continue to demonstrate high levels of resilience, innovation and adaptability to sudden social changes, which have been essential for the youth sector’s growth and development in the region.
- Format
- Number of pages
- 120
- Published in
- France
- Ref
- 055124ENG
- Size
- 10,0 MB
- Type of document
- Document
Table of Contents
- _Hlk122524647 6
- _Hlk90988775 9
- _Hlk94021942 12
- _Hlk132627626 13
- _Hlk94451523 16
- _Hlk132627675 17
- _Hlk132627689 19
- _Hlk131151922 20
- _Hlk131151471 20
- _Hlk132627712 20
- _Hlk132627722 21
- _Hlk131940640 21
- _Hlk131940748 21
- _Hlk131942920 23
- _Hlk132627760 26
- _Hlk132627770 26
- _Hlk132627790 29
- _Hlk84513995 31
- _Hlk122615893 37
- _Hlk94548075 37
- _Hlk122616997 38
- _Hlk151635923 38
- _Hlk142490527 40
- _Hlk122621284 44
- _Hlk151637585 45
- _Hlk132622064 46
- _Hlk132622321 48
- _Hlk132034503 48
- _Hlk84513597 51
- _Hlk132036129 54
- _Hlk132036241 54
- _Hlk132623063 56
- _Hlk132623079 56
- _Hlk132623153 56
- _Hlk132623595 59
- _Hlk84249492 73
- _Hlk84249709 73
- _Hlk122626238 74
- _Hlk122626397 74
- _Hlk122626578 74
- _Hlk83371000 75
- _Hlk122627687 76
- _Hlk83368376 76
- _Hlk122628092 76
- _Hlk84517263 83
- _Hlk94624898 95
- _Hlk94626123 95
- _Hlk94626082 95
- _Hlk154169486 95
- _Hlk154169895 96
- _Hlk94625333 97
- _Hlk86759313 99
- _Hlk154170760 99
- _Hlk154169983 103
- _Hlk154170038 104
- _Hlk151669014 107
- _Hlk132628845 115
- Executive summary 6
- Introduction 8
- I. Methodology and aims of the study 9
- Formal elements of youth work architecture: case studies 12
- Albania 12
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 18
- Bulgaria 25
- Croatia 30
- Greece 35
- Kosovo* 43
- Montenegro 47
- North Macedonia 51
- Romania 56
- Serbia 60
- Slovenia 66
- Türkiye 71
- Regional similarities and differences 76
- Youth work practice: centralisation and 77
- cross-sectoral co-operation 77
- Funding 78
- Politicisation and shrinking space for civic society 79
- Digitalisation 81
- Conclusions and recommendations for advocacy and revision of the youth work framework in South-East Europe 84
- Recommendations for policy makers 84
- Recommendations for youth workers 85
- Recommendations for youth researchers 85
- References 90
- Online sources 101
- Appendix Guiding questions for personal, semi-structured interviews 116
- 1. The context of youth work 116
- 2. Youth workers’ skills and competences: capacity 116
- building, validation and professionalisation 116
- 3. Looking towards the future: potential 117
- for growth and innovation 117