cover image: A E R O S PA C E N E



14 Jun 2024

a Boeing 737-700 were being simultaneously The investigation attributed the collision to the pushed back in darkness from adjacent parking vehicle driver’s limited field of vision in the positions, as cleared, when their respective direction of the aircraft and a lack of action to tailplanes collided, causing substantial damage. [...] and conscious of the physical clearance during Alternatively, non-conformance with ATC a turn in which the wing tip or aircraft tail clearance due to spatial or positional confusion describes different arcs due to the geometry of or due to misinterpretation or misguided the aircraft and the arrangement of the landing clearance by the aircrew Within the cockpit, gear. [...] The largest percentage of the the high engine power on the outer engine incidents, 43 per cent, occurred within the Gate to negotiate a tight turn, the jet blast blew a Stop Area, that is, within 20 feet of the nose- mechanic and an aircraft engine cowling off the wheel parking line. [...] Ensuring proper Ramp or apron safety is a shared responsibility grounding and bonding of the fueling equipment of all the stakeholders involved, such as the and the aircraft, preventing fuel spills and leaks, airport operator, the ground handling agent, the and avoiding potential sources of ignition. [...] HASC hearing that while the effects of a nuclear blast in space would depend on a number of factors Russia’s April 24 veto of a UN Security — including the precise orbit of the detonation Council resolution to reaffirm the 1967 Outer and the size of the bomb — there could be Space Treaty’s bar on weapons of mass destruction long-standing damage down to the global space (WMD) in space crafted by th.
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