cover image: A Pathway to Decarbonization of the Vehicle Fleet in Serbia and the Role of Electric Mobility (English)


A Pathway to Decarbonization of the Vehicle Fleet in Serbia and the Role of Electric Mobility (English)

19 Jun 2024

Serbia is transitioning to an environmentally sustainable, low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, but the transition must be accelerated in view of climate change and increasing air pollution. Serbia has Europe's worst per capita record for pollution-related deaths, and the environmental performance Index shows that Serbia has a score for environmental health and ecosystem vitality below that of most of the Western Balkans six countries and similar European economies in transition. The problem has several origins, notably excessive reliance on fossil fuels, particularly coal, for electricity generation and heating; outdated, high-emission vehicles, many of which are imported from other European countries; and the declining popularity of public transportation. This report analyzes the enabling environment for decarbonization and electrification of the transportation sector; makes recommendations for establishing an efficient, sustainable E-Mobility market; and identifies steps to do so.
air pollution climate resilience europe and central asia western balkans climate resilient development south eastern europe and balkans low carbon city development e-tolling infrastructure


Vukanovic,Svetlana, Keskes,Tarek, Chernyshova,Olena, Pruna,Madalina, Depolo,Vladimir, Stefanovic,Gradimir

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
A Pathway to Decarbonization of the Vehicle Fleet in Serbia and the Role of Electric Mobility
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7B-Western Balkans Green Transport Pasa: Pathway Towards Sector Gr -- P502181
TF No/Name
TF0C2851-N. Macedonia, Albania : Transforming Intercity Public Transport,TF0C4535-Decarbonizing Transport in Europe and Central Asia through more Competi
Unit Owning
Transport ECA-Europe (IECT1)
Version Type
Volume No

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