cover image: The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy


The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy

18 Jun 2024

Drivers of China’s Defence Diplomacy ‘Defence diplomacy’ is the pursuit of external military relationships through sustained exchange of army personnel, negotiations, arms control talks, cooperation in military intelligence and military technology, global peace-keeping duties, and activities related to military alliances. [1] For China, the aim of defence diplomacy is to bolster the overall national foreign policy, influence the global security environment, and enable the modernisation of the armed forces. [2] Analysts have also observed that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deploys military diplomacy to obtain intelligence, improve combat skills, and compare its capabilities vis-à-vis other militaries. [3] The following paragraphs discuss the drivers of China’s defence diplomacy.
pakistan india china arms control foreign policy international affairs military cooperation taiwan xi jinping neighbourhood pla military intelligence military modernization defence and security defence diplomacy military alliances military relationships asia-pacific order global peace-keeping pla reforms us alliances external engagement


Kalpit A Mankikar

Kalpit A Mankikar, “The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy,” ORF Issue Brief No. 715 , June 2024, Observer Research Foundation.
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