cover image: Climate Adaptation Costing in a Changing World - Valuing Climate Adaptation Helps us Orient our Compass Toward Effective and Resilient Pathways (English)


Climate Adaptation Costing in a Changing World - Valuing Climate Adaptation Helps us Orient our Compass Toward Effective and Resilient Pathways (English)

26 Jun 2024

The impacts of climatic shocks are already being feltacross Europe and are bound to intensify in line withfurther climate change. Even rapid and far-reachingprogress on decarbonization cannot avoid the extentof climate change that is already locked in due topast emissions. These trends call for urgent climateadaptation investment strategies that can preparecountries for a wide range of climate hazards andtheir complex impacts across communities andeconomic sectors. However, formulating concreteinvestment strategies can be challenging asadaptation needs are vast and difficult to estimate. Toovercome this challenge, this report reviewsevidence-based prioritization and costing approachesand illustrates their application in a series of casestudies. These approaches can support policy makersin identifying bankable and effective adaptationinvestments, raising and allocating adequatefinancing, and thus ultimately facilitating moreeffective climate change adaptation across Europe.
climate change adaptation europe and central asia disaster preparedness other public administration climate change adaptation impacts


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Climate Adaptation Costing in a Changing World - Valuing Climate Adaptation Helps us Orient our Compass Toward Effective and Resilient Pathways
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7E-Economics For Disaster Prevention And Preparedness - Phase 2 -- P179070
Other Public Administration
TF No/Name
TF0B9489-Enhancing Disaster Risk Resilience and Reduction in Europe
Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Preparedness,Mitigation,Disaster Response and Recovery,Disaster Risk Reduction,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Finance for Development,Finance,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Disaster Risk Finance
Unit Owning
Version Type
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