Mali: ICC conviction of Al Hassan for war crimes and crimes against humanity provides a measure of justice for victims


Mali: ICC conviction of Al Hassan for war crimes and crimes against humanity provides a measure of justice for victims

27 Jun 2024

Reacting to the decision of the Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to convict Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz for some of the war crimes and crimes against humanity he was accused of having committed in Timbuktu, Mali, Samira Daoud, Amnesty International Regional Director for West and Central Africa, said: “This judgment is a rightful vindication for many victims of the take-over of Timbuktu by Ansar Dine, which the Chamber found was followed by torture and other cruel treatment, including public floggings of the population.
africa news mali armed groups discrimination women and girls sexual violence justice systems armed conflict war crimes and crimes against humanity international justice women's rights press release west and central africa
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