cover image: SRB multi-annual plan 2024-2028


SRB multi-annual plan 2024-2028

3 Jun 2024

The year 2024 marks the beginning of a new phase for the Single Resolution Board (SRB). The transitional period during which the SRB was building crucial elements to establish the Banking Union (BU) resolution framework was completed by the end of 2023, after eight years of hard work together with the National Resolution Authorities (NRAs) in the context of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), as well as with the industry. Being ready for crises and fostering the resolvability of banks in the BU remains at the core of the SRB’s mandate, in order to achieve its mission of ensuring an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimum impact on the real economy, the financial system and the public finances of the BU’s member states and beyond. Over the next five years, the SRM will increase its focus on crisis management and readiness, the operationalisation of all resolution tools, and the implementation of comprehensive testing to ensure the effective resolvability of banks. The SRB, in close collaboration with the NRAs, will develop a general testing framework and multi-annual plan, carrying out more frequent dry-runs that will gradually involve an increasing number of relevant internal and external stakeholders involved in resolution or liquidation. The SRB will enhance its capabilities to manage crises with diverse triggers efficiently and will focus on completing the operationalisation of resolution tools within the SRM. To achieve this, the SRM will continue to develop, innovate and test an efficient and flexible crisis preparedness and management framework, building on its solid experience and strong external cooperation and coordination. The SRB will also continue implementing activities that have become part of its regular portfolio, such as the management of the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) and Less Significant Institution (LSI) oversight.
financial stability banking system banking policy bank management planning eu banking union financial supervision bank resolution


Single Resolution Board, EU body or agency

Catalogue number
FP-AB-24-001-EN-N FP-AB-24-001-EN-C
Single Resolution Board, SRB multi-annual plan 2024-2028 , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Banks, insurance

Table of Contents