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2 Jul 2024

The sense sense of growing crisis is further raising awareness of of growing crisis is further strengthened by the development of current dangers, especially strengthened by the opposing camps, with the US and its considering the development of opposing partners on one side, and Russia and consequences of a larger camps, with the US and its China on the other, coupled with their war for the entire. [...] The collapse prospective exit from the NPT to manufacture of the JCPOA, following the US withdrawal and nuclear weapons would potentially kick off the imposition of new sanctions, has led many horizontal nuclear proliferation in the region. [...] announced that the probability of Israeli strikes on the nuclear infrastructure “makes it possible Iran’s deviation from its commitments with the to review our nuclear doctrine and deviate from IAEA, as a party to the NPT, discourages the nuclear our previous considerations.” Responding to the supplier states from assisting the civilian nuclear recent IAEA censured resolution, Tehran aspirants in. [...] “It President Barack ObamaConsidering President Biden has been emphasizes the need to provide full support for thecheerleading disarmament efforts for account for the growth and modernization of thedecades, this remarkable diversity of the PRC’s nation’s nuclear deterrent.announcement speaks to the gravity nuclear arsenal—and the The hope was that futureof the nuclear threats. [...] The policy on two pillars: Wicker plan, dubbed the The Wicker plan, dubbed the 21st capping and if possible 21st Century Peace Century Peace Through Strength reducing nuclear arsenals Through Strength report, is report, is wise, given the nature of the across the board and wise, given the nature of China-Russia challenge and the high making sure America’s own the China-Russia challenge stakes.



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