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Case Study - Breaking Paradigms to Develop Leaders for the Twenty-First Century

21 Feb 2020

Tec was founded in 1943 by a group of local business people who were concerned about a shortage of engineers and middle managers to support and enable Mexico´s nascent industrialization. Tec was established to form the type of professional required to build a modern society and economy. Requests from other business owners with similar concerns across Mexico led to a national expansion, which today consists of twenty-six campuses. It was the first university in Latin America to connect to the Internet and was among the first to create a virtual university in the mid-1990s. Entrepreneurship and innovation is in Tec's DNA and the evidence is in the results. Tec will be the first institution that is focusing on entrepreneurship for human flourishing, which we define as the continuous developing of people, the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and wellness elements, to have a positive impact on the environment and society.
access to information mexico digital technology labor market entrepreneurship digital transformation value chain marketing career development consensus building continuing education corporate social responsibility organizational structure research institutions social mobility star wars study abroad private sector development financial aid economic model long-term financing financial control foreign student educational institution personal development public education commercial bank industrial capital private education business model national school health survey return on investment indigenous community best practice extreme poverty lifelong learning jobs labor markets capital expenditure body image cost structure retirement age student work external funding higher education institution international student broadband access retail industry global development head start natural environment non-governmental organization built environment experiential learning graduate level learning process online course learning management system retail store business school student service emotional intelligence value creation undergraduate education virtual university entrepreneurial spirit copy editing gross revenue first generation latin america & caribbean educational sciences private sector economics law and development private sector development law skills development and labor market social protections and labor indigenous communities increased demand external partner external stakeholder female student positive impact living condition business community physical presence development partner first year continuous learning applicable law academic quality source of revenue increase productivity government institution in work academic institution future need new way new model new business several years assessment method use of technology innovative solution income people take time university level research activity research activities active engagement learning opportunity new idea productivity gain increasing costs low-income student percent change delivery of education quality and relevance university student gross enrollment rate internal process job offer cutting issues operational area low-income area national structure career path competency development work experience increased revenue drop-out rate foreign exchange rate research institution new communities secretary of education short course research program accreditation requirement innovative program financial result professional growth know how learning objective employability of graduate benchmarking exercise operational function low-income community early adopter student interest corporate world research group innovation in education international exchange academic program undergraduate student quality model strategic focus student evaluation rate of inflation revenue model incoming student young age broader society professional network inflection point learning method different standard active program living expense virtuous cycle undergraduate program panoramic view cultural environment top universities solving problem female faculty tuition cost change program change management process student loan program salary structure special interest life experience accreditation body academic model career structure interactive learning culture of innovation traditional structures entrepreneurial culture cultural shift gradual approach personal network new problem little appetite drop out rate corporate citizen continuous reflection teaching experience academic area affordable education creative design academic management women faculty educational model social intelligence educational strategy academic structure federal student loan campus students diverse learning experience leadership competency transformative experience academic administration learning common academic benchmark learning week educational initiative personal competency educated student disciplinary knowledge private higher education interest initiative leadership activity


Casanova,Ann Marie,Caballero,Alejandro,Kandri Rodi,Salah-Eddine,Kerr,Thomas Michael,Sterlin,Elena J.

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Case Study - Breaking Paradigms to Develop Leaders for the Twenty-First Century
Document Date
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United States of America
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
MAS Global - Health & Education (CMGCS)
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