Kiribati - EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC- P176306- Kiribati Health Systems Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan (English)

Kiribati - EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC- P176306- Kiribati Health Systems Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan (English)

8 Jul 2024

climate change mitigation kiribati disaster risk management adaptation gender disaster preparedness private sector development ict health system strengthening east asia and pacific urban and rural development health service delivery health-hg ict solutions human development and gender flood and drought risk management public administration - health health systems and policies health facilities and construction environment and natural resource management


Barry Rimatu

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Kiribati - EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC- P176306- Kiribati Health Systems Strengthening Project - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KI-Kiribati Health Systems Strengthening Project -- P176306
Unit Owning
Health Nutrition&Population EAP1 (HEAH1)
Version Type

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