Reflections on China's Need for a ‘Chinese World Order’


Reflections on China's Need for a ‘Chinese World Order’

16 Jan 2019

China's existing political and economic structure is too weak to resist the stress of the globalization that is being imposed by the contemporary international trade and diplomatic regime. Left unchecked, the pressures of the global system would destroy much of China's state-owned economy, which in turn is the foundation of the authority of the Chinese Communist Party, thus jeopardizing the continued existence of the present People's Republic. Beijing faces a choice: either to reconstruct the system so as to make it robust enough to participate fully in the existing order, or to find ways to participate partially, choosing those aspects of the international system that are beneficial, while rejecting or avoiding those that are threatening. The first alternative endangers regime survival, so the second has been chosen. Read the article here


Arthur Waldron

Published in
United States of America