Weekly PoK News Digest, Vol 4 Issue 27, 01 July - 07 July 2024

Weekly PoK News Digest, Vol 4 Issue 27, 01 July - 07 July 2024

9 Jul 2024

The securitization of the speeches during the visit, imbued with Kashmir issue, where the Indian state rhetoric, failed to address the core frames the region’s challenges issues faced by the Kashmiri people. [...] An Thursday’s operation was against the owner of the largest cherry farm in suspected terrorists, not the locals of Gilgit Rahimabad, which is approved Diamer, whom he called ‘peaceful and by the Chinese Customs, emphasizes patriot.’ He said that all 12 suspects the benefits of the partnership between involved should be handed over to the Pakistan and China in agricultural police. [...] the project’s headrace tunnel (HRT), Ishtiaq Ahmed said that the ‘AJK’ IRD, with the press reporting the de- which has been allegedly mired in the watering of a 17km section of the scandals of corruption, indiscipline and tunnel, indicating some sort of a crack favouritism, in the past, was given a in the HRT, but with little else concrete robust shake-up by the Prime Minister information emerging. [...] While its builders need to incompetence on the part of various be questioned over their performance stakeholders, including the builders of and made to remedy the deficiencies the project, Wapda, the power ministry that have emerged on an urgent basis, and the Neelum-Jhelum Company. [...] A Hindu civilization in Jammu and summary of the findings will be Kashmir, while Hindutva leaders have forwarded to the federal government, publicly declared their intention to and in the meanwhile, every attempt obliterate the distinctive identity of will be made to resolve the issue with ‘occupied Kashmir.’ The BJP-RSS is the affected airport.



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