Maldives: Of democracy and ‘mobocracy’


Maldives: Of democracy and ‘mobocracy’

23 Nov 2012

Analysis If one thing is becoming increasingly clear in ’democratised’ Maldives, it is that street-protests can change Governments and constitutions, policies and national priorities. It is thus that the nation found street-protests heralding ’multi-party’ democracy, and the consequent change of Constitution and of elected national leadership, from President Maumoon Gayoom to President Mohammed Nasheed. That was up to 2008.Later, unending rallies in the name of the religion-centred ’December 23 Movement’ culminated in the resignation of President Nasheed earlier this year. His Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) took to the streets in a big way over the issue after the February 7 resignation. It has since been organising rallies after rallies, and across the country, on every conceivable issue, political and otherwise.
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N Sathiya Moorthy

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