cover image: Innovation Spillovers across U.S. Tech Clusters


Innovation Spillovers across U.S. Tech Clusters

11 Jul 2024

The vast majority of U.S. inventors work for firms that also have inventors and plants in other tech clusters. Using merged USPTO–U.S. Census Bureau plant-level data, we show that larger tech clusters not only make local inventors more productive but also raise the productivity of inventors and plants in other clusters, which are connected to the focal cluster through their parent firms' networks of innovating plants. Cross-cluster innovation spillovers do not depend on the physical distance between clusters, and plants cite disproportionately more patents from other firms in connected clusters, across large physical distances. To rationalize these findings, and to inform policy, we develop a tractable model of spatial innovation that features both within- and cross-cluster innovation spillovers. Based on our model, we derive a sufficient statistic for the wedge between the social and private returns to innovation in a given location. Taking the model to the data, we rank all U.S. tech clusters according to this wedge. While larger tech clusters exhibit a greater social-private innovation wedge, this is not because of local knowledge spillovers, but because they are well-connected to other clusters through firms' networks of innovating plants. In counterfactual exercises, we show that an increase in the interconnectedness of U.S. tech clusters raises the social-private innovation wedge in (almost) all locations, but especially in tech clusters that are large and well-connected to other clusters.
real estate corporate finance financial economics development and growth productivity, innovation, and entrepreneurship innovation and r&d regional and urban economics


Xavier Giroud, Ernest Liu, Holger Mueller

Acknowledgements & Disclosure
We thank Nick Bloom, Sabrina Howell, Simone Lenzu, Quinn Maingi, and seminar participants at Princeton, Columbia, NYU, Ohio State, Tulane, LBS Summer Finance Symposium, NYU Spatial Economics Conference, and the University of Chicago Conference on Empirical Finance for helpful comments and suggestions. Any views expressed are those of the authors and not those of the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau has reviewed this data product to ensure appropriate access, use, and disclosure avoidance protection of the confidential source data used to produce this product. This research was performed at a Federal Statistical Research Data Center under FSRDC Project Number 1908. (CBDRB-FY24-P1908-R11479). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Published in
United States of America

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