cover image: Maryland Judge Dismisses Baltimore Climate-Change Case


Maryland Judge Dismisses Baltimore Climate-Change Case

18 Jul 2024

On July 10, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta A. Brown dismissed a lawsuit by the City of Baltimore seeking damages from 25 oil companies over climate change. The ruling is the latest setback for a long campaign by activist lawyers, foundations, and donors who've hoped to use the courts to achieve regulatory objectives that they've been unable to win in the federal government's elected branches, along with financial redistribution on a truly massive scale. Suits of this sort are simply not a matter for state courts, ruled Brown, who was appointed to the Maryland bench by former Democratic governor Martin O'Malley. Congress is the ultimate authority on national policy, and while such enactments as the Clean Air Act preserve some scope for state regulation of local emissions, "global pollution-based complaints were never intended by Congress to be handled by individual states." In particular, "under the Constitution's structure, matters that involve interstate controversies cannot be handled in state court under state law."
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Walter Olson

Published in
United States of America

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