cover image: Passing the Buck Back to Our Allies


Passing the Buck Back to Our Allies

17 Jul 2024

In my 2023 paper, "Uncle Sucker," I lamented the failure of US efforts to shift the burdens of defense back onto the shoulders of US allies and client states. During the Cold War, Congress required presidential administrations to produce a report on "Allied Contributions to the Common Defense." In that report, as former Pentagon official Richard Perle would later admit, US officials would portray allied defense efforts in the most favorable possible light to protect them from political pressure in the United States to lessen the American commitment to their defense. In Perle's words, he was always "thinking of ways to put the best possible gloss on some pretty dismal figures ... we look for statistics that make the allies look good." Although the report was ineffective at shifting defense burdens, it performed the service of making administration officials uncomfortable while they played Robert Shapiro to the allies' OJ.
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Justin Logan

Published in
United States of America

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