cover image: Building climate-resilient value chains in arid and semi-arid regions: a VC-ARID approach for rangeland adaptation in Kenya


Building climate-resilient value chains in arid and semi-arid regions: a VC-ARID approach for rangeland adaptation in Kenya

17 Jul 2024

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Climate change is a major threat to arid and semi-arid regions. It disrupts rain patterns, raises temperatures, and reduces water availability. This affects agriculture and livestock rearing, both crucial for food security in these areas. As climate change intesifies, building adaptable food production systems (value chains) is essential to keep people fed.
resilience sei africa africa , kenya , united republic of tanzania , uganda


Alphayo Lutta, Anderson Kehbila, Carol Mungo, Philip Osano, Elizabeth Sunguti, Obadiah Kisang

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