cover image: Liberia - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P173416- Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project (LESSAP) - Procurement Plan (English)


Liberia - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P173416- Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project (LESSAP) - Procurement Plan (English)

15 Jul 2024

energy efficiency climate change mitigation adaptation gender liberia disease control job creation private sector development access to energy energy transmission and distribution jobs pandemic response data production human development and gender renewable energy solar public sector management public administration - energy and extractives other energy and extractives western and central africa environment and natural resource management data development and capacity building energy policies & reform accessibility and use


Moses Farley

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Liberia - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P173416- Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project (LESSAP) - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Originating Unit
Energy & Extractives AFR4 (IAWE4)
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
LR-Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening And Access Project (Le -- P173416
TF No/Name
TF0B5145-Electrification of Health and Vaccine Storage Facilities in Liberia,TF0B5153-Electrification of Health and Vaccine Storage Facilities in Liberia,TF0B5259-Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project (Bank Super,TF0B5412-Liberia Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project,TF0C0250-Support for Sustainable Hydropower Development in Liberia
Unit Owning
Energy & Extractives AFR4 (IAWE4)
Version Type
LIBERIA EL,TF0C4622-Liberia Energy Sector Programmatic Advisory Services and Analytics II

Table of Contents

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