cover image: Kyrgyz Republic - EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA- P179024- Strengthening Social Assistance and Labor Market Programs Project - Procurement Plan (English)


Kyrgyz Republic - EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA- P179024- Strengthening Social Assistance and Labor Market Programs Project - Procurement Plan (English)

15 Jul 2024

climate change disaster risk management adaptation gender migration youth employment europe and central asia disaster preparedness economic policy job creation kyrgyz republic skills development social safety nets private sector development social development and protection jobs labor market institutions urban and rural development data production social protection delivery systems human development and gender public sector management disaster response and recovery flood and drought risk management labor market policy and programs public administration - social protection active labor market programs economic growth and planning environment and natural resource management data development and capacity building accessibility and use remittances and diaspora engagement


Almaz Umetaliev

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Kyrgyz Republic - EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA- P179024- Strengthening Social Assistance and Labor Market Programs Project - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Originating Unit
Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP)
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KG-Strengthening Social Assistance And Labor Market Programs Proje -- P179024
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP)
Version Type

Table of Contents

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