cover image: Western and Central Africa - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P167817- Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (REDISSE) Phase IV - Procurement Plan (English)


Western and Central Africa - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P167817- Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (REDISSE) Phase IV - Procurement Plan (English)

13 Jul 2024

climate change mitigation adaptation disease control private sector development ict infrastructure health system strengthening public private partnerships pandemic response western africa health service delivery health-hg ict solutions human development and gender public administration - health health systems and policies health facilities and construction private sector delivery in health western and central africa environment and natural resource management


Duarte Santos Silva,Manuel Pedro

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Western and Central Africa - WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA- P167817- Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (REDISSE) Phase IV - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Originating Unit
Health Nutrition&Population AFR3 (HAWH3)
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
3W-Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Project (Redi -- P167817
TF No/Name
TF0A8491-REDISSE 4 Project Preparation,TF0A8497-REDISSE 4 Project Preparation-1680006
Unit Owning
Health Nutrition&Population AFR3 (HAWH3)
Version Type

Table of Contents

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