cover image: Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard


Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard

6 Jun 2016

Often, the options present a tradeoff the FLW Standard, namely: it allows for modular defi- between accuracy and completeness on the one hand, and nitions, it allows for the use of diverse quantification the cost of conducting the quantification on the other. [...] Yes The definition of food used for the standard includes drinks Food rescued No Given that the standard is focused on material no longer in the food supply chain, food that is and secondary transferred from one part of the food supply chain to another but still used for human consumption markets for is outside the scope of the FLW Standard food? [...] In situations where the user does not know the actual intended use of agricultural raw materials, the FLW Standard provides guidance in Section 6.4., “Guidance: When the ultimate purpose of material is not known, or changes” a Edible packaging would be considered food for the purpose of the FLW Standard because it is intended for human consumption b F or the purpose of the FLW Standard, “pre-harve [...] The standard “describe” information, users of the FLW Standard should provides guidance on reporting the required convey sufficient detail to meet the needs of the intended information as well as the recommended elements user of the FLW inventory. [...] When deciding whether to exclude the amount of any In these cases, in line with the requirement to disclose FLW, users of the standard shall follow the principles quantification methods and sources of uncertainty, users of relevance, completeness, accuracy, consistency, and shall be transparent in the inventory about the limita- transparency and therefore shall not exclude any FLW tions of any cal
food security agriculture food food waste food loss


Craig Hanson, Brian Lipinski, Kai Robertson, Debora Dias, Ignacio Gavilan, Pascal Gréverath, Sabine Ritter, Jorge Fonseca, Robert VanOtterdijk, Toine Timmermans, James Lomax, Clementine O’Connor, Andy Dawe, Richard Swannell, Violaine Berger, Matthew Reddy, Dalma Somogyi, Bruno Tran, Barbara Leach, Tom Quested

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United States of America
The World Resources Institute
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