cover image: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL  FOR  “ ”


22 Jul 2024

The renewal will be at the sole discretion of the IGIDR and based on the performance of the bidder during the contract period. [...] ● If the selected bidder is not able to attend the troubleshooting calls on solution working due to closure of the office/non-availability of access to the solution, the response time/uptime will be taken from the opening of the office for the purpose of uptime calculation. [...] LD is not applicable for the reasons attributable to the IGIDR and Force Majeure If the specifications are not met by the bidder during various tests, the bidder shall rectify the same at bidders cost to comply with the specifications immediately to ensure the committed uptime, failing which the IGIDR reserves its right to invoke the Bank Guarantee. [...] If the Bidder fails to complete the due performance of the contract in accordance with the specification and conditions of the offer document, the IGIDR reserves the right either to cancel the order or to recover a suitable amount as deemed reasonable as Penalty / Liquidated Damage for non- performance. [...] The clarification of the IGIDR in response to the queries raised by the bidder/s, and any other clarification/amendments/corrigendum furnished thereof will become part and parcel of the BID and it will be binding on the bidders.



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