cover image: HUNTER VALLEY AUGUST MEGA SOUTH CLOSEDOWN  - Hunter Valley Closedown Briefing Document

HUNTER VALLEY AUGUST MEGA SOUTH CLOSEDOWN - Hunter Valley Closedown Briefing Document

23 Jul 2024

Where practical IBAs are to be emailed to the the day prior to the Closedown, the IBA must contain the Network Control Board for the IBA in the Subject field. [...] Before booking out level crossing warning equipment the Competent Worker must check with the PPO to ensure no rail traffic is approaching the level crossing and advise the PPO of the name and contact number of the Handsignaller at the level crossing. [...] The Worksite Protection Officer will be responsible for: - briefing the workers of the Coordinated Worksite protection arrangements, and - coordinating all rail traffic movements within their worksite limits, and - for the protection of workers from rail traffic within their individual worksite limits, and - for the protection of workers from rail traffic on adjacent live lines Note: The Coordinat. [...] New Worksites Entering the LPA: Where a new workgroup is to establish a worksite in a section where Lookout Working is in place • The PPO must advise the PO of the workgroup of the Lookout Working workgroup contact details and the Lookout Working limits, • The new workgroup PO must contact the PO for the Lookout Working workgroup and make agreed arrangements for the works to be completed, • If the. [...] Entering an existing worksite: Prior to entering an existing worksite in the corridor, the PO for the Lookout Working Workgroup must: • Contact the PO for the worksite and, • Gain authority from the PO to enter the pre-existing worksite and, • Get briefed into the worksite by the PO, and • Inform the PPO that the Lookout Working Workgroup has entered an existing worksite location Exiting an existi.


George Randle

Published in

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