cover image: AustrAliA’s rAre eArth highwAy: A rAce to resilieNce or DoMiNANce?

AustrAliA’s rAre eArth highwAy: A rAce to resilieNce or DoMiNANce?

9 Apr 2024

the final section examines the dynamics between china and Australia amidst the ongoing global supply chain crisis and the potential of Australia’s rare earth highway to be a challenge to china’s rare earth dominance or be a significant contributor to the global supply chain resilience. [...] Michael porter popularised the idea of the “value chain” with the goal of applying the “ricardian principle of comparative advantage” to the value chains of industries. [...] the centre is supposed to achieve the following objectives: (a) foster the development of Australian intellectual property in the field of critical minerals; (b) identify and address the specific technological obstacles hindering the efficiency of the strategic supply chain; (c) advancement of collaborative research to reach significant breakthroughs. [...] (c) with india india, now in the period of exploration, and Australia, the second-largest producer in the ree industry, have initiated collaborative efforts in the field of critical minerals subsequent to the signing of their Memorandum of understanding (Mou) in 2020. [...] in April 2023, the governments of Australia and the united Kingdom made a joint commitment to collaborate on the development of critical minerals, with the aim of enhancing the global supply chain.
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