cover image: space Traffic MaNageMeNT: aN iNescapable NecessiTy

space Traffic MaNageMeNT: aN iNescapable NecessiTy

3 Jul 2024

Evolution of SPacE activitiES The journey into space began with the launch of sputnik 1 in 1957, marking the start of a space race between the United states and the soviet Union. [...] it will aid in administrating critical space traffic and contribute to the global surveillance of deep space satellites.3 The distinctive geographical locations of the United states, the United Kingdom, and australia enable Darc to offer worldwide coverage, which encompasses the detection of potential risks to military or civilian space systems. [...] 1, spriNg 2024 (January-March) 36 Swaim PrakaSh Singh iS4om and nEtra: The establishment of the isrO system for safe and sustainable Operations Management (is4OM) in 2022 was a component of isrO’s comprehensive strategy to ensure the safe and sustainable utilisation of outer space for the benefit of the nation. [...] The isrO Network for space Objects Tracking and analysis (NeTra) project is presently establishing a space surveillance and tracking network utilising radars and optical telescopes.11 in order to monitor the active and passive satellites in orbit and track the debris, isrO relied on the data provided by the North american aerospace Defence command (NOraD). [...] hooking on to the darc global network: The finalisation of the Darc programme in December 2023 comprised the appropriate time for the emerging market of aerospace in india.
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