cover image: Managing risk on the George Town – TEMCO transmission line

Managing risk on the George Town – TEMCO transmission line

18 Jul 2024

Further, the line traverses areas of bushland and, as such, in the event of a failure of the line’s structure there is the potential for the ignition of a bushfire. [...] Further, the line traverses areas of bushland and, as such, in the event of a failure of the line’s structure there is the potential for the ignition of a bushfire. [...] Consistent with the age of these assets and their usage since commissioning, these condition issues are due to: 10 | Managing risk on the George Town – TEMCO transmission line Public Y@2S%4#5 • the coastal location of the line; • the exposure of the line to industrial pollution throughout its operation; and • the total breakdown of the structure’s protective coatings. [...] The remainder of this section describes the assumptions underpinning our assessment of the risk costs, ie, the value of the risk avoided by undertaking each of the credible options. [...] The avoided unserved energy for a credible option is calculated as the difference between the expected unserved energy under the base case and the expected unserved energy under the credible option, with the associated market benefit calculated using a reasonable forecast of the value of electricity to consumers.


Dylan Frangos

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