cover image: GGGI Technical Report No. 32 - Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets

GGGI Technical Report No. 32 - Measuring performance in achieving SDG targets

29 Jan 2024

It will continue to promote an accelerated green continue to support the annual review of the Global Green and GGGI co-organized the session on “Green Growth Index through climate collapse in real time — and the impact is transformation and combine its green growth development Growth Index, and many of them participated in the review - A Policy Tool to Mainstream Green Growth Indicators in devasta. [...] Support Division in the ADB, for emphasizing the value of sustainability targets for the Sustainable Development the Green Growth Index in tracking the performances of the Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Aichi The Africa Regional Office deserves utmost gratitude for CA+1 in their green growth transition during the session. [...] The CA+1 Development Officer, with the government partners in Kenya countries will benefit from the knowledge gained on their and Ghana contributed to the successful completion of the green growth performance using the regional Green Growth Index through the dedicated participation of national experts in Index. [...] At the regional level, in collaboration 5 the government in these countries through collaborative projects to benchmark the country’s green growth with the ADB, the framework was used for a comparative assessment of the inclusive and green growth transitions performance and establish its readiness to transition to a green economy growth model using GGGI’s Green 7 of Azerbaijan and Central Asian co. [...] In addition to selecting and mobilizing the national experts, GGGI’s Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation to support the preparation of the Country Planning Framework government partners, The National Treasury and Economic Planning in Kenya and the Ministry of Environment and development of a green growth strategy.
Published in
South Korea

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