cover image: Report of the 3 rd - IOTC WPM Small - Working Group on Management


Report of the 3 rd - IOTC WPM Small - Working Group on Management

The main difficulty found in the procedure is the sensitivity of the model and some of its outputs to certain variables and combinations of values. [...] Work was carried out on identifying the parameter or parameter combinations reponsible for this behaviour, and the main effect appeared to come from the 1 very low value assigned in some runs to the Effective Sample Size (ess) of the length samples in the catch data, which controls the wright of this component in the overall likelihood. [...] Managers eventually have to evaluate a trade-off on the risk to the resource and the optimal catch levels on the long-term for the stock being managed. [...] A number of the ABNJ project elements relate to the acceleration of evaluation of management procedures and for building understanding of the process and utility of these evaluations amongst developing economy CPCs to the IOTC. [...] The members of the group involved in each part of the work will submit papers to the upcoming meetings of both WPTT and WPTmT, and presentations will be made to obtain feedback and suggestions from WP members to better refine the models and simulations.
Published in
Victoria, Seychelles