cover image: Status Of Seychelles Semi Industrial Longline Fishery


Status Of Seychelles Semi Industrial Longline Fishery

Number of vessels active and fishing effort of semi Industrial fishery, 2003- 2007 3.2 Total Catch and Catch rates The lowest recorded catch in the semi industrial fishery was in 2004 when a total catch of 90 MT was recorded. [...] It must be noted that since 2005 the proportion of tuna in the semi industrial fishery has been on the increase from 36% of the total catch in 2005 to 44% in 2006. [...] In 2007, for the first time since the beginning of the fishery, tuna (125 Mt) dominate the catch accounting for 51% of the total catch whilst swordfish (111Mt) accounted for 45% of the total catch (table2.3). [...] Length Frequency The monitoring of size frequencies has been carried out by SFA staff since the beginning of the fishery during the landing of fish. [...] A total of 20.42MT of shark meat and 18.57 MT of shark fins were landed in 2007 compared with 17.91 MT of shark meat and 22.33MT of shark fins which were landed in 2006 (Table 2.4) This represent an increase of 20% in total shark meat landed and a decrease of 17% in the total Shark fins landed.
Published in
Victoria, Seychelles