cover image: An inclusive digital economy for people with disabilities


An inclusive digital economy for people with disabilities


On the one hand, digital tools enable people with disabilities to gain direct access to employment through online recruiting platforms. Digital tools can also support them in their daily tasks at the workplace, amongst other opportunities. Conversely, if they do not possess the required skills, if they find ICTs unaffordable or if digital tools are not accessible, people with disabilities will not benefit from these opportunities and are therefore at risk of being left behind.


International Labour Organization, ILO Global Business and Disability Network, Fundación ONCE para la Cooperación e Integración Social de Personas con Discapacidad

1. Current work situation of people with disabilities -- 2. Digitalisation: a trend of the future of work -- 3. A new world of work scenario for people with disabilities -- 4. Main levers for the digital inclusion of people with disabilities at work -- 5. A roadmap for an inclusive digital economy -- References.
1 online resource (47 p.)
A joint publication by Fundación ONCE and the ILO Global Business and Disability Network, developed within the framework of Disability Hub Europe, a project led by Fundación ONCE and co-funded by the European Social Fund.
Published in
Library Catalog